Space Micro Announces Space Qualification of the MIST Star Tracker
San Diego, CA – August 5, 2019
Space Micro is pleased to announce the completion of their Miniature Integrated Star Tracker (MIST) space qualification program. The full product qualification sequence encompassed standard space environmental testing including vibration, thermal cycling, and thermal vacuum tests.
“Our MIST star tracker provides the space industry a high performance, radiation hardened, and lower cost domestic supplier solution. This dual head, integrated system in ½ U CubeSat form factor features digital processing electronics, flight proven imager and optics, and extremely robust software/firmware.", stated Michael Dowd, VP of Business Development.
“Our star tracker product line addresses the entire range of mission applications and supports all orbit profiles and EEE parts requirements. From the CubeSat targeted miniature integrated star tracker (MIST), to the higher performance radiation hardened µSTAR product, Space Micro can provide a strong low-cost solution, manufactured and tested in our new dedicated star tracker and optical clean room”, said Michael Jacox, VP of Engineering.