Interconnect components are also known as the interconnect component bus and are generic connection interfaces to connect one or more hardware devices like computer peripherals with a Motherboard or a main circuit board.
Integrated Solutions are components designed to be integrated in high reliable applications of your projects. They are able to solve several complex tasks and extend the usefulness and efficiency of electronic technologies.
Active components are devices containing analog electronic filter that have the ability to produce a power gain or to amplify a signal. Common examples for active components are energy Sources, solar cells cenerators etc.
Passive components are electronic components that are only able to receive energy and to dissipate, absorb or store it in an electric or magnetic field for further use. Also they are able to operate without the need of electrical power.
Quality and reliability are the key factors for every components used fort he electronic equipment in the medical sector. Thats why MSA offers sensitive and reliable products for the medical applications to support medical technologies and even save lifes.
Fort he transportation of goods and people railway systems depending on the development of better and more safe trains. MSA Components provides capacitors and magnetics to be used in high-speed or transporting trains and systems such as signalling equipment.