Fusio RT Computer Core from 3D PLUS: Technological Advancement for Demanding Space Applications

The Fusio RT Computer Core from 3D PLUS represents the cutting edge of radiation-tolerant computing cores. This innovative product offers unmatched reliability and performance for extremely demanding applications. Recently, the Fusio RT was deployed in the Chinese Chang'e 6 mission to power the DORN instrument, which measures radon emissions on the lunar surface.

Fusio RT Computer Core from 3D PLUS: Technological Advancement for Demanding Space Applications
Fusio RT Computer Core from 3D PLUS: Technological Advancement for Demanding Space Applications

Key Advantages:

  • High Radiation Tolerance: Designed for extreme environments (TID > 50krad, SEL LET > 60 MeV.cm²/mg).
  • High Integration Density: Combines memory solutions (SDRAM and NAND Flash) in a miniaturized package.
  • Modularity: Supports various configurations and scalability to meet different requirements.
  • Reliability and Performance: Robust construction and advanced technology to function reliably under extreme conditions.
  • Flexibility: Integration of the radiation-tolerant NG-MEDIUM FPGA from NanoXplore.

In the Chang'e 6 mission, the Fusio RT played a crucial role in the DORN instrument, which measures radon emissions on the lunar surface. This mission highlights the reliability and performance of the Fusio RT in extreme space conditions and underscores its importance for future scientific and technological applications.

Explore the detailed specifications and benefits of the Fusio RT Computer Core on our dedicated page.


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