A compact series of high current inductors ideally suited for noise filtering in switching regulated power supplies, power filter networks, power amplifiers, SCR and Triac control circuits. The core construction provides the highest saturation current available in low cost power chokes.
1. Saturation current lowers inductance about 5%.
2. Inductance ±10% measured at 1KHz and 0 ADC.
3. Non-listed values available on request.
4. DCR measured at 20° C.
5. Max. Temperature Range -55° C to +130° C.
6. Molded to MIL-PRF-27E grade 5 through hole and surface mount
construction available on request.
7. For inductors up to 180µH (including) terminals 1 & 2 and 3 & 4
must be shorted on the PCB.
{tab=More Info}RL-2228
{tab=Downloads}Data sheet
{tab=Manufacturer Info}