Space Micro Celebrates Over 750,000 Hours of Space Flight Heritage

Space Micro Celebrates Over 750,000 Hours of Space Flight Heritage

San Diego, CA – December 6, 2018

Space Micro’s cumulative space flight heritage has now exceeded 750,000 failure-free hours in various orbits: LEO, GEO, and lunar.

This data has been calculated by tracking the number of operational hours in space of 29 units of our satellite electronics for 13 programs and missions. Among these programs are: Air Force TacSat 2, Navy TacSat 4, NASA IRIS, NASA LADEE, DoD classified, NASA CRS, NASA TESS, DRS DESIS, Air Force ORS-1, and several commercial space projects.

“Our space flight heritage encompasses virtually our entire broad product line of satellite computing, image processing, optical, guidance and navigation, and space radio systems,” said Space Micro’s president, David R. Czajkowski.


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